Oral Presenters
- The oral presentation time is +- 12 (twelve) minutes. A 3 (three) minutes question and answer session will immediately follow each presentation. Moderator will give short introduction prior to presentation.
- Room operator will signal the 10- and 12-minute marks. Moderator will give you, and the moderator is allowed to cut your presentation if it exceeds the allotted time.
- Please use 4:3 as presentation format.
- Please stand by in the designated room (or zoom link if you are online) at designated time. Please check the detailed program schedule to find the designated room for your session.
- If you are offline presenters, you can try laptop-connection check at the designated room or transfer your presentation file to the designated laptop room. Contact the room PIC ( who will stand by in the room) for help.
- Contact Helpdesk if you are having trouble finding the room for your session.
Guidelines for Poster Exhibition Presenters
- Poster should be laid out in Potrait style. The dimensions of the poster should not exceed A0 paper size in order to fit the poster board. Only 1 (one) board is provided for each presenter.
- Mounting materials will be available at the Helpdesk.
- All posters are displayed for the duration of the conference.
- Authors will stand by their posters during the break/coffee time to answer questions and provide further information on their study results.
- All posters must be mounted on Wednesday, 11 September 2024 before opening ceremony and removed on Friday 13 September 2024 after closing ceremony.
Your poster should quickly orient the audience to the subject and purpose of your study. Here are some hints that may be helpful for the preparation of your poster:
- Your poster should have a clear message, a logical layout and be easy to comprehend in a couple of minutes;
- Make sure that the specific sections (such as the background, methods, results and conclusions) are easy to locate on the poster;
- Design the individual sections of your poster so that they can be quickly read – avoid large blocks of text and long sentences;
- Make sure that the type/font size is large enough to be read at a distance. Try to keep your word count as low as possible.
- Supporting images (graphs, tables, illustrations, photograph, etc) can be very helpful and are often necessary to display results. Make sure that the images are easy to understand, and not overloaded with information.
- Make sure there is enough contrast between the color of the type and the poster’s background.